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Love is in the Air at Eagles World Realty!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]As we celebrate Valentine’s Day, we would like to honor our agents for all the hard work they put into their business on a daily basis and they do it all in the name of LOVE! 


We want to share with you the LOVING practices of Eagle World Realty family members towards each other, our customers, and other agents.


We love what we do, and the people we do it for!
Now more than ever, where you work and who you work for matters. Our team is committed to that principle. When you care deeply, just “getting it closed” simply isn’t enough. Eagles World Realty agents are passionate about what they do, and that is consistently displayed through their quality of work. 


Love the challenges your career presents!
Challenges are the daily standard in the business world.  If you’re in real estate and don’t enjoy solving problems, then it’s time for a change! At EWR we embrace challenges and see them as an opportunity for growth as individuals, as team members, and as a company. Go back to #1 above and if you love it, you’ll find a way to conquer any obstacle.


Love the great moments, celebrate them and be grateful.
We all have moments of victory, and moments of defeat! We should celebrate and find joy no matter the circumstances around us and celebrate the satisfaction of a job well done. Since day one, it has been embedded in our company culture to celebrate and give thanks for all we have.


Today is a perfect opportunity to share with others how you feel and to let them know that you love them and are thankful for them! 

To our agents, clients, families and friends – thank you, we love your support, and we wish you continued success!





  1. Call your clients regularly. People still love real connections!


  1. Create valuable content. Learn something new and relevant, and share it freely. We stay up-to-date and share what we learn through monthly classes.


  1. Become an authority in your field. Be willing to put in the time, learn new skills and rise to the top of the real estate industry.


  1. Reply to your emails promptly. Do not let your emails pile up. Stay on top of your communications and reply to your emails in a timely manner.


  1. Be decisive. Don’t second guess yourself, know what you want and chase it.


  1. Value your customer’s point of view. Practice empathy and listen to your clients.


  1. Add a personal touch. Let those you work with know you appreciate them.


  1. Be realistic and do not over-promise. Under-promise and over-deliver.


  1. Identify opportunities proactively. Proactively identify ways that you can help your clients.


  1. Be clear and transparent. Set expectations, recognize any shortcomings or mistakes, and proactively make corrections.
